
Pat Jordan / The four pleasures

Human experiences can be divided into four categories.

Physical: to do with the body and the senses
Psychological: to do with the mind and the emotions
Social: to do with relationships and status
Ideological: to do with tastes and values

This framework is known as the Four Pleasures and the best user experiences are pleasurable in all four of these aspects.

In order to deliver great user experiences we need a holistic understanding of users and a knowledge of how to enable enjoyable and meaningful experiences through UX design.

In this workshop we will look at how to use the four pleasures framework to understand users, to know what they want, and to deliver it through UX design.

Pat Jordan
Pat Jordan is a consultant to many of the world’s most successful companies and to the third sector (charities and voluntary organisations). He was a policy advisor to the UK government from 2000 to 2010.

He is Chair of Design and Psychology at Middlesex University.

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