
Content as Data with Kathryn Hegarty

As the web becomes more structured, our old methods of wireframes and prototypes don’t fully communicate the underlying structure of the content we’re trying to present. In her workshop, Kathryn Hegarty explored how to use data modelling techniques from software design to develop better, more immersive experiences for users.

In this short video interview, a wind-swept Kathryn gives an overview of her workshop and reflects on feedback from participants at UXBristol 2015:

Kathryn Hegarty: Content as Data from Bristol Usability Group on Vimeo.

About Kathryn Hegarty

Kathryn is a UX Designer at MomentumFT, with a passion for information architecture, post-it notes and short meetings.

She has worked in a variety of software houses and marketing agencies and is currently embroiled in a financial planning app.

She co-runs SWUX, a monthly meet-up group in Bristol for UX and UX-curious people.

Follow Kathryn on Twitter: @kythryn